Event: Check-out
Meet the Internship Coordinator for your scheduled appointment.
Check-out Procedure:
Your meeting should only take a few minutes if you are prepared.
During Check-out, the Internship Coordinator will work with one person at a time, and check off all of the items listed below.
Please submit all final deliverables with this format:
“Program_Term Year_Deliverable Name_Last Name_First Name.pdf”
Everything should be submitted to Workforce Development & Education in PDF format. If anything is missing, you can submit it to Workforce Development & Education during your meeting, or you can let the Internship Coordinator know if you need additional time to complete your work.
SULI Participant Deliverables:
1) Mentor Checkout form, with signature from your mentor or associate mentor (access this from the SULI Assignments/Deliverables page), uploaded to Google Drive.
2) Research Poster uploaded to Google Drive.
3) Poster Summary uploaded to Google Drive.
4) In one combined PDF file, the Research Poster and Poster Summary uploaded to the WDTS website under “Poster/Oral Presentation.”
5) Research Paper uploaded to Google Drive and uploaded to the WDTS website under “Research Project.”
6) General Audience Abstract uploaded to Google Drive and uploaded to the WDTS website under “General Audience Abstract.”
7) Peer Poster Presentations Peer Review uploaded to the WDTS website under “Peer Review.”
8) Complete “Post-survey” on WDTS website.
9) Program Evaluation on SurveyMonkey (sent by Internship Coordinator after the Poster Session).
10) Mentor Evaluation on SurveyMonkey (sent by Internship Coordinator a few days before Check-out).
11) A completed WD&E Participant Vignette, which has already been posted to your Google Drive folder.
12) Berkeley Lab Career Profile at jobs.lbl.gov.