On January 25, 1PM to 3 PM ET, the Department of Energy’s Office of Science will host a Laboratories of the Future workshop that explores the role of mentorship across the national laboratories. How can mentorship at the laboratories serve as a mechanism for creating successful environments and inclusive cultures across all career levels and types? Four speakers will be featured including Dr. Jennifer Stanford (Center for the Advancement of STEM Teaching and Learning Excellence), Dr. Ann Quiroz Gates (University of Texas at El Paso), Dr. Jeanita Pritchett, (National Institute for Standards and Technology), and Dr. Melissa McDaniels, (Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in Research). During their presentations, they will address:
- How can the labs encourage a culture of intentional, inclusive, & effective mentorship across all career levels and types?
- What are the best practices, tools, and techniques for lab-based mentors?
- What role can mentorship, including peer-mentorship, across all career levels and types play in creating inclusive environments and combating the effects of isolation?
- What are the best ways to evaluate mentoring outcomes?
- What are the innovative mentorship practices, including virtual mentorship, that can be implemented in a lab-based environment?
Please join the conversation. Register at https://science-doe.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_8RZ-cvQlRyiz8JPeK2m13A